31 July 2024:
Update of Software page at Tutorials > Software.
6 June 2024:
Fixed broken Hyppy link in Tutorials > Software.
20 December 2021:
Link added to YouTube review of tutorial "Hyperspectral classification of a porphyry-Cu pebble using a decision tree."
17 December 2021:
A new exercise added on Drill-core Scanning | "Hyperspectral classification of a porphyry-Cu pebble using a decision tree."
Link added to YouTube review of tutorial "Spectral mineralogy of a porphyry-Cu pebble."
16 December 2021:
Update of exercise on Drill-core Scanning | "Spectral mineralogy of a porphyry-Cu pebble". Minor errors in the instructions and answers were fixed.
16 April 2021:
Fix of data download problem of exercise "Planetary Exploration II - Hyperspectral Imaging".
13 April 2021:
Fix of broken download link of exercise "Planetary Exploration I - Martian analogs".
29 January 2021:
Link added to YouTube video lecture of "Hyperspectral classification using wavelength mapping and decision trees"; added to the “Miscellaneous” tutorials.
28 December 2020:
Link added to YouTube video lecture of "Tracing fluid pathways with hyperspectral remote sensing"; added to the “Miscellaneous” tutorials.
10 December 2020:
Link added to YouTube video lecture of "Hydrothermal alteration - a brief explanation"; added to the “Miscellaneous” tutorials.
2 July 2020:
Link added to YouTube video lecture of "Information theory and hydrothermal processes"; added to the “Miscellaneous” tutorials.
25 June 2020:
Link added to YouTube review of "Reflectance spectroscopy of Martian analogs"
14 June 2020:
Major update of frankstutorials.nl, it now contains the following exercises:
Image Interpetation:
New Mexico | Basaltic lava flow overlying sediments
Zagros belt Iran | Litho-structural image interpretation fold structures in sedimentary units of the Zagros fold belt
Hyperspectral Remote Sensing:
HYMAP Palai | Mineral mapping of the Palai area with hyperspectral remote sensing
Kangaroo Caves | Hyperspectral mapping of alteration minerals in the footwall of the Kangaroo Caves VMS-deposit
The Hyperspectral game
Multispectral Remote Sensing:
ASTER Rodalquilar | Hydrothermal alteration mapping for epithermal gold exploration at Rodalquilar with ASTER
ASTER Zagros | Compositional mapping for hydrocarbon exploration
Planetary Exploration:
Martian analogs | Reflectance spectroscopy of Martian analogs
Hyperspectral Imaging | Hyperspectral Imaging of the Nili Fossae area on Mars
Core Scanning
Porphyry-Cu pebble
26 March 2020:
Frankstutorials.nl comes online